Wright Brother's DDA

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Author chume14
Tags author:chume14 chume dda rated rocket wright
Created 2009-01-06
Last Modified 2009-04-12
by 27 people.
Map Data

Description Epic epic epic. My first DDA so exciting. Had quite a lot of trouble with the timing and reliability of this but now its done and I like the finished product. Seen a whole load of DDA's in my short time here and tried to take peoples advice on things like varied propulsion, getting round the whole map while staying for a while in particular places, not to short or long or repetitive ect. Themed around these thwump and blocky cannon things (which are a lose variation of original thwump and launch pad canons for that user-level that came with the game which I now can't find) it was originally gonna be playable but I think it works better as a DDA. As usual comments please how could I make this better I know occasionally it doesn't work (probably shouldn't use lasers in future) but I tested it and its like 90% of the time works so please try at least once more if your unlucky and it doesn't. Got exams so this is hopefully my last post for a couple of weeks enjoy.

no. 14

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Magic Roundabout 2' Thumbnail of the map 'World the time has come to...' Thumbnail of the map 'The Island' Thumbnail of the map 'Blocky Curves' Thumbnail of the map 'Blocky Curve 2 - Spiral' Thumbnail of the map 'Blocky Curve 3 - Thwump Spiral'
Magic Roundabout 2 World the time has come to... The Island Blocky Curves Blocky Curve 2 - Spiral Blocky Curve 3 - Thwump Spiral


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by the way

forgot to say i've played all your maps but just forgot to rate em.


I loved the thwump/bounceblocks propulsion!

Wow. I loved that.


your first?


Very Enjoyable

Not too long, not too short, just about right length.
The thwump pushing into the blocks were a nice propulsion method. You had a few very good close calls with the rockets, and i enjoyed watching that. considering this is your first, 3.5/5
cheated demo. I love corner jumps. keep making ddas.
Demo Data


pop lol


I agree about that atmosphere you're talking about - it makes the DDA more entertaining to watch, as opposed to just watching a bunch of close calls. That's what makes many of the older DDAs so great. And yes, my own DDAs are the exact opposite of that.

By the way, 3/5.

Nice for a first.

With lasers, you should hang around the beam for a longer time when it fires - the close calls around frame 1400-1500 is a great example of that.

every part...

exiting and thrill-packed



I ended it right after he gets in the exit, so I didn't notice the last gold, it would be 3.5/5 but still a 3 vote.
i think he means like you dont get all the gold when you go throught the door. cause you get the last gold piece after going through the door.

and woo ofcourse


Lol thanks

woo Dali!

By the way

love your avatar karmap0lice and thats an awesome song
after the door but to me it looks like he does get it all if not where have I missed although it's to late to fix it now.

IT was very slow

3/5, good ideas but the wait is annoying, loved the left side where he was jumping, very nice close calls, very creative! all the gold wasn't taken by the end of the dda, just so you know.

above average for a first
Really good for a first try. 4/5 from me. Can't wait to see more!
What made this for me was the adventure like theming I found here, which is unfortunately missing from a lot off ddas these days. I'm giving it a 4, not because it was the pinnacle of action, which it wasnt, but because it has that kind of feel that makes me warm and tingly inside.

Nice ratings

but no comments?

Thank you



this was an awsome map, lots of nice close calls and unpridictable movement of the ninja. 5/5


was really good for a first try. there was some good close calls. 3.5/5 ^