Not Relevant

Thumbnail of the map 'Not Relevant'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author lord_day
Tags author:lord_day easy gols hard not relevant unrated
Created 2009-02-15
Last Modified 2009-02-15
Rating 4 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description Some tricky gold in there. More of a mini map.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Removed from the Bubble' Thumbnail of the map 'Wilt and Decay' Thumbnail of the map 'Fissure Issue' Thumbnail of the map 'Chaingun' Thumbnail of the map 'Per-Teeth' Thumbnail of the map 'Ether Temple'
Removed from the Bubble Wilt and Decay Fissure Issue Chaingun Per-Teeth Ether Temple


Pages: (0)

he reported a map a while back saying that he created it first, or that some other author had created it, but upon investigation I couldn't see an ounce of truth to his claims.

I think he's a troll, trying to bully people into delisting their maps without any evidence to back up his claims.

Just thought you'd like to know, in case you see him in the future.




328 frames.
Demo Data
959 frames.
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Indeed they do.

It's my thing at the moment!


I notice a lot of your maps have progressive mines, tiles, etc...


Demo Data


This map sucks.
Demo Data
is it possible?methinks it is

All gold.

Demo Data