
Thumbnail of the map 'George'

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Author sept
Tags author:sept george rated
Created 2009-02-26
Last Modified 2009-02-26
by 5 people.
Map Data

Description Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. Mmmmmmmmm. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Release me' Thumbnail of the map 'The Concubine' Thumbnail of the map 'Dance Magpie! Dance!' Thumbnail of the map 'Sick Joke' Thumbnail of the map 'New York Sucks' Thumbnail of the map 'Afromentioned'
Release me The Concubine Dance Magpie! Dance! Sick Joke New York Sucks Afromentioned


Pages: (0)

Demo Data


All gold.
Demo Data


the bottom left sucked, but the gauss/thwump combo worked. 4.
Demo Data
The enemy combination was good, and the style was beautiful. It works perfectly as a stand alone map, but would also work brilliantly in an episode. My only complaint is that there is only one decent all gold route. 4/5


it was okay, I didn't like the center piece. I like the thwump placements and the bottom left tiles, the gauss' were well placed too
Demo Data


i fail...slow as hell
Demo Data