One Fast

Thumbnail of the map 'One Fast'

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Author anthony_s
Tags action author:anthony_s fast unrated
Created 2009-04-03
Last Modified 2009-04-03
Rating 4 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description A fast paced map which i hope you all enjoy. AGDs and Speedrun demos thanks.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Oh...' Thumbnail of the map 'Ew..' Thumbnail of the map 'Online' Thumbnail of the map 'Lemon' Thumbnail of the map 'Zig-Zag' Thumbnail of the map 'Side Step'
Oh... Ew.. Online Lemon Zig-Zag Side Step


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i worked it out cos i noticed the 0 frames are doing nothing, so if u remove em u lower the frames, if its done throughtout the demo also it stuff up the demo, tried it with a demo i made on this lvl and i hit the bomb at the end

Hehe, will do. Thanks for that lol.


it just does, note my best time was the 514 one i got, the 510 one is the same minus the four 0 frames at the end lol, there is also a tip there, if ur one or two frames from beating someone, delete the 0 frames at the end and change the frame number accordingly

when i said

lowers what i really meant was lowered

How come it adds extras?

i know

that's cos it is ur demo minus the 2 last frames both being the 0 ones at the end, i just changed the number after i deleted, each number is a frame lol, so u can delete all the last frames if they are 0, lowers the frame amount but still works fine for the whole lvl

Lol, if u watch mine and then yours, it looks almost identical -.-

try again

like i said before, better luck next time
Demo Data

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i won by and entire frame, better luck next time
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ofc it does

and so it begins
Demo Data

even faster

try beat it lol
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bit faster

not by much though
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but i beat u... just
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Demo Data