Snaked - Nreality

Thumbnail of the map 'Snaked - Nreality'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author drikam
Tags author:drikam nreality rated survival
Created 2009-04-05
Last Modified 2009-04-05
by 9 people.
Map Data

Description Survival! :D

Map in a comment - NUMA won't let be post this map. Sad. :D

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'STORAGE [Nreality]' Thumbnail of the map 'Pierce through the gold' Thumbnail of the map 'Dagger Hill' Thumbnail of the map 'Bounce Blocks Of Doom [Nreality]' Thumbnail of the map 'Simple challenge - Nreality!' Thumbnail of the map 'Invincible'
STORAGE [Nreality] Pierce through the gold Dagger Hill Bounce Blocks Of Doom [Nreality] Simple challenge - Nreality! Invincible


Pages: (0)

My best so far

Demo Data

Second try

Demo Data

Nice demo. :)
Mayby bigger map + Higher drone speed would be better. :D

New Idea.

Moving Walljump!
Demo Data

keninja - I didn't know about that map. :)

Almost tied GTM.

Niiice. :)
Demo Data

Reminds me of this

:3 []
slow >.<
Demo Data


Examples? Hmm, I was searching for one, but I can't find anything ATM.

But I remember a Bridge Of Fire with an great idea, which did have limited time..

Nevermind. Don't have time for you, others like this map/idea.

Anyway, I just came up to a new idea..

Haha. Thats rude, TKS.

Not all survivals can last forever.
I didnt expect 5s, something like 3.5 or 4.
Because of a good idea - but it's mega easy to do, not even a 5 mintue map. The area could be bigger, but thats all.

You are a |\|0oB!


I saw this map a while ago and rated it a 0.

How is this getting good ratings?

The screen fills up and you die. There's no way to avoid it. The only "survival"-age is the efficiency of your path.

You could technically say that for all survivals I guess, but I mean, in actually decent survivals you can theoretically survive indefinitely. Not so with this map.

He plopped a goddamn tile drone in the middle of an empty room! Seriously, people!


I made a map with th same concept once: [].
Demo Data

yes but how does that exactly


is an expansion of n, where you can manipulate the codes of objects, to make a level harder or more fun.


what is N reality

MisterX, are you using Nreality?
You can download it from here:
Then load the code in my first comment
(the map with lots of 1's)

Thanks, yokola95. I will try the code.


Demo Data


I shall beat GHM!
Demo Data


My longest

This is pretty cool :)
Demo Data


That's very cool.
My longest:
Demo Data


Awesome, 5aved ^^

lol!!!! you haven't to recopy for example direction,3 chase when sighted. you need just the number!
And if you don't want to set it, you must only digit , for example 0,122,1^^^,10,3,,


Not my best, but I didn't save my 450 frame one. :D
Demo Data

