Progenitus Caelitus

Thumbnail of the map 'Progenitus Caelitus'

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Author Eternal_Boredom
Tags action author:eternal_boredom rated
Created 2009-04-21
Last Modified 2009-04-24
by 5 people.
Map Data

Description Possibly the most time I have ever spent on a map...
Thanks to Slaps for finishing touches
Please tell me what you think and how I could improve; even if you hate it.
Also it's a latin name :p
Edit: also Turiski for placing every single !@#$ing gold piece in the map (his words)
Double edit: Dzigue helped retouch the tileset... wow epic collab

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'The dog and the bone' Thumbnail of the map 'A joke level' Thumbnail of the map 'Bounce blocks and Chainguns' Thumbnail of the map 'Bounce blocks and Chainguns' Thumbnail of the map 'Aperture' Thumbnail of the map 'flipping happle donkeytube'
The dog and the bone A joke level Bounce blocks and Chainguns Bounce blocks and Chainguns Aperture flipping happle donkeytube


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Nice gold.

Tileset is pure and nice, creating a nice gameplay, and this deserves a 4.


I was thinking of it when I posted this, then came up with a name; decent from grace, Progenitus Caelitus means something similar, I hope


got to the final key and then died.

name related to magic...?
Demo Data