vent to madness

Thumbnail of the map 'vent to madness'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author ultimatereading
Tags author:ultimatereading bouncy easy rated vent vents
Created 2009-07-12
Last Modified 2009-07-12
by 8 people.
Map Data

Description i dont think it was one of my best but good luck with it.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'rocket dodge' Thumbnail of the map 'Danger don't touch' Thumbnail of the map 'Random Map' Thumbnail of the map 'another day in the office' Thumbnail of the map 'Mountain' Thumbnail of the map 'Random map 2'
rocket dodge Danger don't touch Random Map another day in the office Mountain Random map 2


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has gone now u can try it i think u might like it now i think i should have a tag easy.


i actually dont snipe but thats a 2 :\

glitched sniper

how do i get rid of it i trying now but i dont no how?
makes it impossible to survive the first 5 seconds. delist, fix, post again.