Karma Flavored Whisky

Thumbnail of the map 'Karma Flavored Whisky'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author sTalkR
Tags action author:stalkr rated
Created 2009-07-19
Last Modified 2009-07-19
by 6 people.
Map Data

Description tiles [] by Viil. many thanks to him. AGDs anyone?

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Wasteland Traveller' Thumbnail of the map 'Paradox Traveller' Thumbnail of the map 'King's Crossing' Thumbnail of the map 'Come in you'll get Pneumonia' Thumbnail of the map 'Drive Right In' Thumbnail of the map 'broken hearts tessellate tonight'
Wasteland Traveller Paradox Traveller King's Crossing Come in you'll get Pneumonia Drive Right In broken hearts tessellate tonight


Pages: (0)

Excellent job!

loved the tile set and enemy placement, i really liked the 2st thwump idea which was great but the 2nd one was a mean trick :( and i fell for it lol 4/5
Demo Data

lol, it's a bad demo, don't watch it :I
*Note to self: don't let stalkr use tiles that I already used* :)
Demo Data

don't forget

to rate people. everybody likes a public vote =)


a wonderfull use of tiles :)


Demo Data



Slow Completion

I really like how you utilised all of the space inside the enclosed areas and managed to keep the gameplay from getting annoyingly repetitive. Good job, faved.
Demo Data