Magnesium Flares AWAY

This map has been removed from listings by the author.

Thumbnail of the map 'Magnesium Flares AWAY'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author toasters
Tags author:toasters losttortuga mashup unrated
Created 2009-08-06
Last Modified 2009-08-06
Map Data

Description A mashup of two Losttortuga maps.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Zinedine Zidane' Thumbnail of the map 'Kiddy Pool' Thumbnail of the map 'Marble House' Thumbnail of the map 'Here I Dreamt I Was An Architect' Thumbnail of the map 'I Love a Magician' Thumbnail of the map 'A Cheery Wave from Stranded Youngsters'
Zinedine Zidane Kiddy Pool Marble House Here I Dreamt I Was An Architect I Love a Magician A Cheery Wave from Stranded Youngsters


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and I just now realized what the hell was going on. That was a typo, but lets be cool cats and call it being post-modern ;)

Onyx is emerges.
Onyx is emerges.
Onyx is emerges.
Onyx is emerges.
Onyx is emerges.
Onyx is emerges.
Onyx is emerges.
Onyx is emerges.
Onyx is emerges.
Onyx is emerges.
Onyx is emerges.
Onyx is emerges.
Onyx is emerges.
Onyx is emerges.


Sick! <3
"A shroud of fog slowly fades away… and a town of Onyx is emerges. Remnants of an ancient species are strewn throughout the vast catacombs. Traces of gold and other treasures glimmer as the rising sun shines into the various caverns. However, as the hollows are illuminated, the Ghosts of Onyx are revealed. The ghostly guardians are still, waiting for a brave wanderer to make just one simple mistake…" - ethel
and it is clear nobody is featuring that day, just go to GTMs Ghosts of Onyx


Wanna do me a favor?
I don't get it. Nice map btw.


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even faster

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