
Thumbnail of the map '300!'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author 29403
Tags author:29403 dedication map metabite metanet unrated
Created 2009-08-27
Last Modified 2009-08-27
Rating 4 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description Metanet Bitesized is at 300! [] Without these guys, we would have never gotten this far: Limer - motocrosser - uNcoNditioNal - Shark - 29403 - silent_night - whykickamoocow - numa_ninja - 15_ - pajammin - cucumber_boy - exuberance - walrus_of_death - Fallen - Hypnotiser - sc979 - Alphainer - TheWigginator - usaswim - bhz - pepi - Pheidippides - notkitt - jackass - bugz - AMLT - Ad - OneSevenNine - Tunco123.

I know some of you aren't here at the moment, which is a shame.

I know there's a lot of gold, but every team deserves gold!

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'giraffe' Thumbnail of the map 'Remember This Level?' Thumbnail of the map 'lemmy koopa's pipe system' Thumbnail of the map 'Square Pacman' Thumbnail of the map 'pixel mountain' Thumbnail of the map 'puppy pit'
giraffe Remember This Level? lemmy koopa's pipe system Square Pacman pixel mountain puppy pit


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well let's just continue tmrw...
i have to go soon anyway :P


and you don't need an account for it?
was that the start you wanted to collaborate on?

no clue

what pastebin is, lol

yeah sure :)

you can start... and send me what you started at
Didn't you retired from Numa. :D
I will. Also, I think you should check the link again.
1ST tileset you posted was better, I used it. Feel free to make edits, if you find it long, or repetetive.
And I place the objects. I will place some more tiles if needed. And I will PM the final-and-tobe-checked-version to you.

Should we do a

collab? So to start, I'll specify something like, (some e tiles and 1 tiles), then you specify something for me like (put some bounce blocks and mines), then it goes back to me, etc, etc...

That logo is nice.

Well, how do we do collab?
What about nocturnil???

map posted

dang browser blocks me from EVERYTHING!


post it on

"it was the only way..."

Hey, 29403?

I'm getting nowhere with this idea of mine. just the first 3 mini rooms. Help me, or Collab. with me, please.

I'm kinda hopeful here.

ok thanks

and all that gold is gettable too :)
Demo Data


a link to metanet bitesized would also be cool I read the thread but I still don't really understand what it is. Is it just making smaller versions of the good maps.


your a great person!!!!


your a great person!!!!

Plays very good to it's look.