Flaming Moose

Thumbnail of the map 'Flaming Moose'

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Author Flubberdoodl
Tags author:flubberdoodl shapes unrated
Created 2009-09-02
Last Modified 2009-09-02
Rating 3 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description Jawbit thinks no one will like this. I just want my map to be on top. Which it will be. Just kidding.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Ring Around The Neenja' Thumbnail of the map 'Pasta Is Unspeakable' Thumbnail of the map 'Stupid Test' Thumbnail of the map 'Diamond in the Rough' Thumbnail of the map 'Ridges Dilemma' Thumbnail of the map '!~Pina Colada~!'
Ring Around The Neenja Pasta Is Unspeakable Stupid Test Diamond in the Rough Ridges Dilemma !~Pina Colada~!


Pages: (0)

slow speedrun
Demo Data


slow in the exit room but fastest
Demo Data


Demo Data

faster AGD

Demo Data


Demo Data

First Try AGD

Demo Data
not much else. 2

ever seen the movie

"Knowing"? it was really bad. There was a flaming moose. This is a dedication to all those bad movies out there. xp