Out of the Pot

Thumbnail of the map 'Out of the Pot'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author Minion_of_Pi
Tags action adventure all-that-other-stuff author:minion_of_pi rated
Created 2009-09-03
Last Modified 2009-09-03
by 5 people.
Map Data

Description God, all these lobsters are getting funny ideas these days...

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Flying Cheerios' Thumbnail of the map 'All the Sewers Lead Up' Thumbnail of the map 'My Secret Underground Lair' Thumbnail of the map 'Confidence/Competence' Thumbnail of the map 'Moonination' Thumbnail of the map 'Directionally Challenged'
Flying Cheerios All the Sewers Lead Up My Secret Underground Lair Confidence/Competence Moonination Directionally Challenged


Pages: (0)

4/5 imo

i liked it

nice map, bad demo
Demo Data

Tiles were cool

objects felt static and forced the gameplay to be as such
Demo Data


lets see you make a better tileset. the tree had to be simple cuz it was small, okay?

double post... damn >.>

tiles could've been a liiiiiiiiiitle bit better. 4/5 anyways :]

tiles could've been a liiiiiiiiiitle bit better. 4/5 anyways :]


Demo Data