3,2,1 Takeoff

Thumbnail of the map '3,2,1 Takeoff'

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Author ganteka
Tags author:ganteka pride rated
Created 2009-09-06
Last Modified 2011-04-27
by 5 people.
Map Data

Description 07-01 from PRIDE [].

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Vampiric' Thumbnail of the map 'Revolver' Thumbnail of the map 'Five Minute Maps & Forum Released Packs' Thumbnail of the map 'Shelter From the Storm' Thumbnail of the map 'Treelings (Remix)' Thumbnail of the map 'Joker'
Vampiric Revolver Five Minute Maps & Forum Released Packs Shelter From the Storm Treelings (Remix) Joker


Pages: (0)

Slow AGD

Demo Data


very good map
Demo Data


Demo Data
I'm just saying that the word 'enemy' is irrelevent.

you kidding right?


forget enemy

the word is 'challenge.'

ok then

a drone isn't a enimie either then. They don't don't try to kill you, they just roam around and shock you if you touch them.


mines can kill you. in my book, ENEMIES are things that actually TRY to kill you. i don't like enemies. i guess i don't like mines either, but whatever. ;)


are enimies


the ever-present FOUR OUT OF FIVE.....
sorry but I had to, it's what this deserves
actually it was 4.3 out of five, it was so much more fun playing this than it should have been... i mean there were no friggin enemies... but still, very fun, and i actually did die while playing around.