Map Name

Thumbnail of the map 'Map Name'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author xXSc3n1cXx
Tags author:xxsc3n1cxx rated tags
Created 2009-10-30
Last Modified 2009-10-30
by 7 people.
Map Data

Description Description

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Distractions' Thumbnail of the map '2-3 Why does th game make my computer so laggy?' Thumbnail of the map 'Hallows From The Dark Side' Thumbnail of the map 'A Long Trip Down Memory Lane' Thumbnail of the map 'Randy Rhoads Tribute' Thumbnail of the map 'Crazy Eights'
Distractions 2-3 Why does th game make my computer so laggy? Hallows From The Dark Side A Long Trip Down Memory Lane Randy Rhoads Tribute Crazy Eights


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completion. :P
Demo Data


Demo Data


called you "Scenic". Now I understand your username :D

at the first mine i

failed lol but here is how u do it.
Demo Data

i give you demo

it will come in next message.

cool cheers

mate so i will get it tomoz or later tonight?

oh ok well

could you try please :) i send you the map it two parts cause there is so much data lol.

could you help

mith something? i made a race map but its pretty bad i was wondering if you could fix it up a bit to make it better :) if you help i will credit and ded the map to you :)


you any good at races?


and this is a race kind of :)

very slow :P
Demo Data


not as fast as AMLT.

fun fun fun

speed AGD
Demo Data


its not hard at all, but i play tested, and there are many different speeds at which you can do this.


Demo Data