Timing bomb 11:Pin-N!!!

Thumbnail of the map 'Timing bomb 11:Pin-N!!!'

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Author Sahathai
Tags action agd author:sahathai hard nreality playable unrated
Created 2010-01-14
Last Modified 2010-01-14
Rating 4 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description NReality required!


-Exits are on the big pit!
-Timer is in the left fills!
-No wallslide!


-You can stop these falls by make a walljump.
-You can get more fun & harder by get AGD!



Timing bomb 1:Just speedrun... []
Timing bomb 2:Electric magnet! []
Timing bomb 3:Heavy attack countdown! []
Timing bomb 4:(straight)Lines and (unstable)dots!!! []
Timing bomb 5:Waiting for superweapon!!! []
Timing bomb 6:Special boss for new year 2010! []
Timing bomb 7:After new year! []
Timing bomb 8:Freeze shots! []
Timing bomb 9:The checkpoint!!! []
Timing bomb 10:Annihilate system! []

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map '4 missions episode!' Thumbnail of the map '4 MISSIONS EPISODE PACK 2!' Thumbnail of the map 'Timing bomb 8:Freeze shots!' Thumbnail of the map 'Needles,elevators and green crossbows!' Thumbnail of the map 'Timing bomb 9:The checkpoint!!!' Thumbnail of the map 'Timing bomb 10:Annihilate system!'
4 missions episode! 4 MISSIONS EPISODE PACK 2! Timing bomb 8:Freeze shots! Needles,elevators and green crossbows! Timing bomb 9:The checkpoint!!! Timing bomb 10:Annihilate system!


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a suction field drone???


can somont please explain to me what this nreality is!IM new

Agree with bufar

vrey nice. faved

The force drone/greedy drone combo is perfect for a map like this.


The concept is very nice, very interristing ! :D
But the level itself is not good sorry... I don't like the gold in the little room at the start. I think a simple corridor can be very better. And i don't like the gredy drone in the left edge because it's possible to had more than 200 gold in one or two second :(
But i really love the gredy drone in the center, the custom gold path and the mine/gold room.
A V2 can be very interresting but show me it after publishing it ;)