Thumbnail of the map 'JUST'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author ultimatereading
Tags author:ultimatereading image-map nreality rated
Created 2010-02-02
Last Modified 2010-02-02
by 10 people.
Map Data

Description checking it out the full copy will be out soon ;) thanks very much to ZTHING who has helped me the most on figuring out nreality so thanks Z

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Get in the groove' Thumbnail of the map 'Howzat for size' Thumbnail of the map 'Opinion' Thumbnail of the map 'REFUND' Thumbnail of the map 'Forest Power' Thumbnail of the map 'fire and ice'
Get in the groove Howzat for size Opinion REFUND Forest Power fire and ice


Pages: (0)

No problem.

BTW: I think 96-4 will come tomorrow.
I also have stated a collab with AMLT but he doesn't answer since 30 hours. :/

We should make a collab too. Soon. :D
Ok. I'm tired now. Bed time!
You can rate both maps. :>


Not times.


Why isn't Hajtun banned yet!?
I can't believe it 'cause he sniped times of maps in December and I reported it. oO

Something is really wrong with Numa.


I hate black backgrounds... If I had different color of ninja it wouldn't matter...


you should try to add to the collab ;)

Sorry i'll add you now :)
I was meaning to anyway, I just haden't got around to it.

96-0 is there.

Have fun and rate. :3

zthing xD

yeahm i want to - where is the problem?

I will defer you to shadow [] on the subject of color-changing the ninja. He know a lot about NReality.

Scale it down on paint


a foreground

Hmm, the image canvas needs to be scaled down a bit