Tiger Beat

Thumbnail of the map 'Tiger Beat'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author 47percent
Tags action author:47percent mines neat rated tileset
Created 2010-03-09
Last Modified 2010-03-09
by 9 people.
Map Data

Description When I was about 6 years old, I had a crush on this girl in my class. We were friends, and I think she liked me too, because one day I went over to her house and she pinned me down and kissed me (despite my feigned protest about cooties and such). Then, for some reason, we never spoke of it again.

Years later, we found each other on facebook, and I asked her about our first kiss. She said she doesn't remember it, and now I think that I dreamed it and unconsciously referenced it as fact.

This is my first map in a while. Hi.

EDIT: A baby whale/seal/squirrel/cute-animal-you-identify with-somehow dies everytime you use the cheat. Please don't use it.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'The Great Opera Breakfast Club' Thumbnail of the map 'A Red Crochet Mallet' Thumbnail of the map 'The Scientists Were Dismayed!' Thumbnail of the map 're v  e   r    B' Thumbnail of the map 'Christmas Day, Approximately 9:00 PM.' Thumbnail of the map 'The Stage and School'
The Great Opera Breakfast Club A Red Crochet Mallet The Scientists Were Dismayed! re v e r B Christmas Day, Approximately 9:00 PM. The Stage and School


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meta has single-handedly killed off more whales than all the japanese whaling fleets put together.
but yourself, Chris...

...And the cheat, I guess...
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I cried when I used this cheat.
Meta made me do it.
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Still improvable.
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But anyways

Real AGD.
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but... I just couldn't resist... The cheat was just there, I had to use it somehow.

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In all fairness

I cried when I discovered it was slower to use the cheat to get an AGD. :(

aw man

this could be good inspiration for a tileset but not saying im actualy going to take it

@Logan_ I lol'd.

@AMomentLikeThis I cried when you used the cheat. I CRIED.


I can't seem to get out of this spot when I get stuck.
AND this is my COMPLAINT!
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Im 'sweet_chicken'.
And I am willing to be your own online, impersonal, and most importantly 'trustworthy' friend. I am only kidding.
I only tell lies though.
Every comment I've ever left you is a lie.
Being it only one comment ever left to you by me I feel obliged to let you know that I usually don't lie.
And furthermore my feelings of obligation only come from the top of my heart, unless you prefer the bottom, or the middle. You can have my whole heart if you want!
All you have to do is be my friend.
And look at my maps.

sup sup Miss Stacy

mary got you trippin word flippin


And along the way, I managed to completely miss out on your archive. Fantastic collection of maps here. Really great.
thank you.


ok, let's just pretend RandomDigits' little cheat doesn't exist
Now, I'm off to bed.
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Pleasepleaseplease don't remove the cheat.
Demo Data

hi there
