Wait, What Dream?

Thumbnail of the map 'Wait, What Dream?'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author Erik-Player
Tags action author:erik-player playable rated retile retile2
Created 2010-06-13
Last Modified 2010-06-15
by 5 people.
Map Data

Description Daydreams.

Original: []

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Confusion Bruise' Thumbnail of the map 'Chill DMB' Thumbnail of the map 'Corpse Under' Thumbnail of the map 'I Think I've Lost My Way' Thumbnail of the map 'GoldScore Factory' Thumbnail of the map '非 Saved World'
Confusion Bruise Chill DMB Corpse Under I Think I've Lost My Way GoldScore Factory 非 Saved World


Pages: (0)


nobody gives a fuck about whatever silly band you listen to. stop forcing your love of dadrock on the rest of the community and act like a normal human being for once.

;) Sorry

I actually don`t have maps with less objects. Every single one is full of stuff.

When I loaded these objects, at first sight I was like "oh crap. This is going to be tough." I just didn't have enough time to create a tile style for these bizarre objects, so I just made some linear action map.

mixed feelings

the laser was often in the wrong place at the wrong time. also, it was very linear, until you get to the bottom, which was the best part of the map.

liked most of the other parts though!

I like it a lot.

Looks great and plays very well - it has cool flow. Though there are some bad parts, like the thwump part. 4aved, anyway.


(down, just)


don't mind the gameplay, some bits are really cool, some bits not so much, love how the bottom left looks/feels though. really cool.
Demo Data


I love how it plays.