Mother Thwumping Mines

Thumbnail of the map 'Mother Thwumping Mines'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author butchsmudge31
Tags action author:butchsmudge31 playable unrated
Created 2010-07-20
Last Modified 2010-07-20
Rating 4 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description Probably my hardest ever submitted level.
I'm sure the concept is beatable. But I haven't managed to beat it yet.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Kick The Sheep' Thumbnail of the map 'Mish, Mash, Mosh, Posh.' Thumbnail of the map 'The Cavern Is Haunted' Thumbnail of the map 'Jump Around Like An Idiot' Thumbnail of the map 'South Cavern Blues' Thumbnail of the map 'Elevated Senses'
Kick The Sheep Mish, Mash, Mosh, Posh. The Cavern Is Haunted Jump Around Like An Idiot South Cavern Blues Elevated Senses


Pages: (0)



Wonderful concept.

Bad map.


I agree. Interesting concept. 3
Demo Data

I've editted it.

The thumbnail is wrong, now.

Wonderful concept.

Bad map.