Thumbnail of the map 'Boring KRADDA'

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Author ijehrhart
Tags author:ijehrhart kradda playable unrated
Created 2010-07-25
Last Modified 2010-07-25
Rating 3 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description My apologies for this boring KRADDA... It's my first real one but I couldn't figure out how to make more close calls... Advice is always welcome

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Material' Thumbnail of the map 'Mendelbrot's Eruption' Thumbnail of the map 'DDA-ng Doh Shooting Gallery' Thumbnail of the map 'SOO BORED' Thumbnail of the map 'Well This Sucks...' Thumbnail of the map 'Another boring DDA'
Material Mendelbrot's Eruption DDA-ng Doh Shooting Gallery SOO BORED Well This Sucks... Another boring DDA


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nReality PWN

Good but needs aesthetic improvs.
by giving it a better name
Gold delay should be avoided unless all other options have been attempted, and try experimenting with different propulsion types. Also, try for more close calls.

But hey, this is still better than my first KRADDA [].
Keep practising!

a few things
- the gold just seems pointless to me. You could achieve the same effect just by moving the button.
- instead of using the trapdoors the keep pushing the ninja away, you could use tiles or bounce blocks to push him back towards the rocket.
- you could also spend more time, working out where the rocket is going where the ninja isnt and work more rocket close calls around it.
- then after that you could work on making it look better, to draw more attention to the map, something that i was never any good at.

hope this helps
(3 different kradda makers have commented on this so far XD)


The 'gold delay over mines' is like you DDA signature :P


The ninja shouldn't be moving too fast, unless until you've got to guide the rocket someplace, like through a wall or not into the edges.