No escape (Contest)

Thumbnail of the map 'No escape (Contest)'

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Author Woot16
Tags action author:woot16 contest fun playable survival unrated
Created 2010-07-27
Last Modified 2010-07-27
Rating 4 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description How long can you survive? Post only demos that are higher then 1,000 frames. No chances... The highest will get a dedication from me.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Your Dad did not say' Thumbnail of the map 'Your moms eyes are repelling' Thumbnail of the map 'Rattleing maze' Thumbnail of the map 'Only the deaf and the blind shall see' Thumbnail of the map 'Square-N-Fair' Thumbnail of the map 'Square-N-Fair (Intense) (Contest!)'
Your Dad did not say Your moms eyes are repelling Rattleing maze Only the deaf and the blind shall see Square-N-Fair Square-N-Fair (Intense) (Contest!)


Pages: (0)

Your minimum requirement makes no sense!!!
Demo Data

First Try

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Longer demoz
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Had to be on top-
Demo Data