poças de monção

Thumbnail of the map 'poças de monção'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author rocket_thumped
Tags action author:rocket_thumped easy moncao playable pocas rated
Created 2010-08-08
Last Modified 2010-08-08
by 6 people.
Map Data

Description in and out of puddles.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Cobwebs' Thumbnail of the map 'Alps' Thumbnail of the map 'cherry' Thumbnail of the map 'slumberland' Thumbnail of the map 'Non, Je ne regrette rien' Thumbnail of the map 'meanwhile..'
Cobwebs Alps cherry slumberland Non, Je ne regrette rien meanwhile..


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check out the my demos at the bottom.


I don't get it. How do I get under the one-ways?


My name is puddles.
Demo Data
I was expecting trap door keys hidden in gold or something. It was a good surprise.
I didn't think it was gimmicky at all, the oneway trick rounds off the map in a nice concise way. Fun map.

Funny death.

I think it's a bit gimmicky, as kk said. At least a three though just for it's contructive quality. NR from me.
Demo Data

this is awesome

I hate this

The One-ways make the map seem gimmicky and unoriginal. Also they are just plain annoying.


No, for one reason or another the ninja can just get under the one-ways. I think it has something to do with the one-ways extending farther than they should. You've probably noticed the standing on air affect.


did you z snap the oneways to be slightly over the tiles?

Really enjoyable!

The gameplay is really cool. I love the part with the rocket; getting the gold is very fun. The oneway concept maybe isn't new, but it's used pretty well here. Tiles are also cool. They make cool atmosphere. Very cool. 4aved.

pooey demo
Demo Data

i really like this... its the most underappreciated oneway glitch... the only thing i dont like are the aesthetics with the 2 tiles all over the top, they seem off, which is weird for one of ur maps...


Demo Data

Demo Data