Happy Halloween Numa!

Thumbnail of the map 'Happy Halloween Numa!'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Tags author:ndeavour halloween happy inspired n-art pumpkin rated
Created 2010-10-30
Last Modified 2010-10-30
by 18 people.
Map Data

From your mate Inspired. :D

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Metanet Community 40 Hour Famine' Thumbnail of the map 'Observations [life-like version]' Thumbnail of the map 'every man a king' Thumbnail of the map 'I Spy' Thumbnail of the map 'It's going to be okay.' Thumbnail of the map 'Avenger'
Metanet Community 40 Hour Famine Observations [life-like version] every man a king I Spy It's going to be okay. Avenger


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almost as good as christmas one like this. 4.5/5

Does anyone else

see a face in the moon?
appears a lot darker, but I like it all the same <3

hey cool map

you said one of my maps got nominated for tileset of the year? it isn't.
Can't say for the rest I'm afraid...

3/5 (above average)

Happy Halloween Inspired!
it's a figment of the world's imagination. Maybe I'll go trick-or-treating tomorrow for the first time in years and I'll go as New Zealand.

Fools it is Halloween in New Zealand.

i forgot about that. "happy *insert holiday*, lets overload numa with a bunch of shitty n-arts that devalue proper ones like this." good work. i like that you tried to do color. i can never do it.

It's not


haha chrdrenkman

but yeah. even from thumbnail view the object placement looks weird and messy. there really isn't an emphasis point in this; nothing really drew my eye to this. just far too cluttered.
but okay
everything else was. 4.5/5

/mahi-mode on/

This is nothing special.
/mahi-mode off/

fantastic style.

6/5 imo.




Great! Loved the snow flakes.
<iban> Yo inspired, I've been making something for halloween, but wanted to ask if you were planning anything also(?)
<Inspired> I quit n, so I guess not.
<iban> Oh :(
<Inspired> But now you say it..
* Inspired goes to make awesome n-art

Okay, so it isn't /that/ awesome but I'm pretty happy considering how long it took. Here is the picture because the thumbnail hasn't loaded. :(