well, im back, pretty sure nobody missed me

Thumbnail of the map 'well, im back, pretty sure nobody missed me'

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Author The_King_in_The_North
Tags author:the_king_in_the_north gauss playable smelly unrated upskirt
Created 2010-11-01
Last Modified 2010-11-01
Rating 3 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description well in my one year or so break from the game, i grew up a bit. i was somewhat mature and thought that this was stupid, but then i entered high school. i realized that this, nerf guns, dinosaur chicken nuggets, and lots of other things, are all amazing at any age. so here you go, it probably sucks, but i really dont give a s***.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'The Double-Bar' Thumbnail of the map '(+*+)' Thumbnail of the map 'Sa(going)ne' Thumbnail of the map 'Zeelanders Remain Awesome!' Thumbnail of the map 'Running an Extremely Easy Gauntlet' Thumbnail of the map 'Kilroy's Lattice Company'
The Double-Bar (+*+) Sa(going)ne Zeelanders Remain Awesome! Running an Extremely Easy Gauntlet Kilroy's Lattice Company


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Everybody's coming back. similar story to me, but I left took a break for a few years.

I didnt

know you before, but I liked speedrunning the map :D
Demo Data


i didnt even know anyone knew me
well, im glad i was missed

I missed you!

I cried myself to sleep every night.


i remember you vaguely tho. anyways welcome back. looking forward for your maps. :)

Understood. I'll keep an eye on your maps, then.

since i did most of my maps on school laptops, i dont think i bothered to get one, bcz i couldnt download nreality
anyway, i suck at the actual game, i just try to make maps people can enjoy


i seriously dont remember

welcome back

What was your name on NReality (or N highscroe list) again?