Naked Bootleg

Thumbnail of the map 'Naked Bootleg'

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Author AsTimeFliesBy
Tags action asiangangsta author:astimefliesby best jetpack resub unrated
Created 2011-01-01
Last Modified 2011-01-04
Rating 2 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description resub of one of the few (out of almost 200) maps i actually still like from my old account. i edited it somewhat to make a speed run not so short. cant remember how (un)original it is since its from my old account, and i didnt cite another map on the original. but whatever, i like it, so enjoy.

Other maps by this author

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Rocks and Rough Places Crossing Bacteria A Fear of Heights Shrap Moonshine


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why did you post that? i didnt for a reason, being that it should be left and not dug up
If anyone is interested. Cool remake.

Very Metanet