Tiny Village

Thumbnail of the map 'Tiny Village'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author Tommy_Wiseau
Tags author:tommy_wiseau playable rated strategy
Created 2011-04-07
Last Modified 2011-04-07
by 5 people.
Map Data

Description My first survival map. A slow-moving one with some strategy. Post your best demos!

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'E0L4 - To the Wide Open Sea' Thumbnail of the map 'E1L0: A Day to Dismember' Thumbnail of the map 'Frivolous Fight For Freedom' Thumbnail of the map 'E1L1: Balsa' Thumbnail of the map 'The Paratrooper' Thumbnail of the map 'E1L2: Billow'
E0L4 - To the Wide Open Sea E1L0: A Day to Dismember Frivolous Fight For Freedom E1L1: Balsa The Paratrooper E1L2: Billow


Pages: (0)

all doors demo

I found a way to take the start slowly.
Demo Data

Not a bad survival.

Pretty fun.




My first survival map. A slow-moving one with some strategy. Post your best demos!