Tuned Hours

Thumbnail of the map 'Tuned Hours'

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Author lsudny
Tags author:lsudny lsudnytileset rated tileset
Created 2012-05-24
Last Modified 2012-05-24
by 7 people.
Map Data

Description []

oh, and this is a tileset made for actual use by yours truly whatever

and check out blue void dammit

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'the reverse architect' Thumbnail of the map '<GamingWolf> KHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN' Thumbnail of the map 'Recoiling' Thumbnail of the map 'Inner Space' Thumbnail of the map '<AFKool> this makes no sense' Thumbnail of the map 'darkestunderthelamp'
the reverse architect <GamingWolf> KHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN Recoiling Inner Space <AFKool> this makes no sense darkestunderthelamp


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ye ye

I'm not really talented, but thanks :D
it was a pleasure to create dat collab with u ;)

this is a demo to al cair raheakallan's paste bin map

he should keep the lasers its epic with he lasers
Demo Data

luvin' it. :D

do u wanna sub it? ;)
what do u think about 'Relentless Dawn'?

ye ye.

I guess the left side is kinda 'boring' without active enemy. you can maybe do it better. ;o
kay, I'll wait. have fun and do it well. ;)


that's quite a sad story. ;o
I'm not even better, but if u really want to, than just create a collaboration with mey.^^

aw sweatheart :DDD

..but watch my new maps, I'm totally unskilled in mapping now. ;o
So don't be worried about the songs' emotions, because they don't have one.
Sorry, I'm kinda talking too much. :D

I'm enjoying what u've done there. ;)
the blue void. :D dunno how a void can be blue, but heya, who cares? :D
what genre is it?


i remember now that i read it. :D
congratz, can i hear dat song someday? ;3
I'm thinking about replacing them with regular blue drones, what do you think?


Just me getting into the left circle.
Demo Data

What do you think?

here's a map

itz coool.

You know...

I think I may just try it...


I really envy you and your ability to make beautiful tilesets. Always remember that.


this is so cool. I'm making a map out of it.