0073. The New iPad It's So Fantastic

Thumbnail of the map '0073. The New iPad It's So Fantastic'

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Tags 3x3 author:vodkalover contesque unrated
Created 2012-07-27
Last Modified 2013-01-17
Map Data

Description Yes It Is. Thanks Angela.

Other maps by this author

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0067. Tiniest Thumper Impossible 0068. Licking 0069. A Magic Number 0070. She Tells Me Goodbay 0071. Fucking Liar 0072. Spanish Sandwich


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This map makes me nervous. Only I can do a faster speed than Chris not yours, so far. All gold too much for me.
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If yes, thanks.
Right, this is of the hardest ones. So far, I can't. I'll try again.

Improved a bit

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Rather slow, but this was HARD.
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Real Time Demo

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