
Thumbnail of the map 'Radioactive'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author Traveleravi
Tags agd author:traveleravi cereal excel hard math unrated
Created 2012-12-07
Last Modified 2012-12-08
Rating 2 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description Polar Rose of Gold (k=3)


First AGD gets a ded.

Also check out k=2 []

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Lfaber's Hexafractal' Thumbnail of the map 'Opposites' Thumbnail of the map 'Warzone 9: Giant Duplicate' Thumbnail of the map 'Robot Arms' Thumbnail of the map 'Boomerang Hurricane' Thumbnail of the map 'Fibliffs'
Lfaber's Hexafractal Opposites Warzone 9: Giant Duplicate Robot Arms Boomerang Hurricane Fibliffs


Pages: (0)

underclocked AGD

5 from me!
Demo Data

Well okay I guess

Demo Data


Too much going on for my liking.
speed's here
Demo Data


The chainguns absolutely killed the map. It would've been funnier and better if it had something more passive to fit the relaxed look of the map.

Lovely pattern!

Would not have used chainguns though.

AGD Attempt

Demo Data

My god it's like

So hard to agd.
But here's a shit speedrun
Demo Data

Wow dude.

I love these polar roses, do you think you could make one with k = 0.6? I especially love that pattern.


Where is the smile Rose?

Hey, one of you get an AGD

Suds, actually Rose it's not so ugly. He has red hair and that's beautiful!

And hahahahahahaha,

Suds get impressed!! LOL,, lsudny show us you face too!!!

I had already seen your face in the past Rose, but today you're specially handsome.


wait WHAT

is that you Rose

I use excel
And I am going to make more roses

I think with a sheet on Excel, also, Trave, I can't wait to see that you are talking about.. ;)


ill think about it. Later though i have a bunch of ideas i want to do first


I mean these kind of math gold figures, or waves or something, but just smaller, much smaller ones, and putting some cool tiles, you can provide other gameplays. You understand me?


Thanks zoas. What sheet and what types of gameplays.

I'm usually willing to try new things.

Wow! Traveleravi!!!

You are doing great things lately!! A big 5!
As a suggestion, try to make little things with that sheet, trying to make other types of gameplays. We'll see what you can do! ;)