
Thumbnail of the map 'oJumper'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author mercuri
Tags author:mercuri emulator jumper ok puzzle rated
Created 2013-02-06
Last Modified 2013-02-06
by 10 people.
Map Data

Description Lucidium's style jumper.
It's not really difficult, e-n-joy!

PS: Also a dedication to OutrightOJ!

20th map

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'butterfly' Thumbnail of the map 'duetto gauss' Thumbnail of the map 'olympus path' Thumbnail of the map 'warrior' Thumbnail of the map 'operation envy' Thumbnail of the map 'mother jumper'
butterfly duetto gauss olympus path warrior operation envy mother jumper


Pages: (0)


Demo Data


Demo Data

cool demo man. i'm happy you liked it ;)


I liked it! 4/5
Demo Data

Thanks for playing Turtles. I actually emulated his visual and puzzle style, not his difficulty. Yeah, it's pretty easier compared to his jumpers...


This is way too easy to be Lucidium, in my opinion. I enjoy it though.
Demo Data
Wow, man, that's crazy! What are the odds that you would have seen that back in the day but only become active on NUMA 7-8 years later? Anyway, glad you liked it, and I look forward to seeing more from you.

Thanks man, I really appreciate it


The thing about this map that stood out was the execution - all the mechanisms are different yet challenging, and they're all packaged into this decent-looking emulator map to top it off. Really cool.

This is really cool

I always tended to think Lucidium's jumpers were insanely hard, so toning down the difficulty works in the map's favor, imo. Nice map and nice emulator entry!
Demo Data

quite fun!

and I can actually complete it! 4.
Demo Data

This is cool

Its fun, its simple and there isn't a lot going on.

I can't give you a super detailed critique here though because I am tired as fuck right now.

Fastest Speed

I can get gruggh
Demo Data

I like this. It's nice and easy, and the jumps aren't too obscure. I'd like to see the highscorers go to work on this.

Thanks for playing guys, nice demos everyone, henry good job


Demo Data


...faster AGD - could be improved a lot still...
Demo Data


i just made a lucidium map also, i promise i didn't see this at all though XD

Thanks Harveyy!
Highscore on nReality!
Trying to do a SR without success...


Meh, might try improving this, it aint great. Cool map though :)
Demo Data