gone in 90 seconds

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Tags author:nightmare619 playable puzzle rated
Created 2005-12-23
by 17 people.
Map Data

Description this was my dedication to bonzai. it's my usual puzzle style, but with a few twists. this one took me time to think up and to make. i love the part with the thwumps. its pressed for time, except vertically. i hope that's ok with you lucidium, and if not, i apologize. i really liked this one tho, and i hope you do too. i may make a ded to the fastest demo, but i might not because i have my chem midterm, my math midterm, and the sat to study for :-p. anyway, hope you like it. please rate, commment, suggest...blah... ENJOY

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Fluidity' Thumbnail of the map 'Monkey of Doom' Thumbnail of the map 'The Jumping Playground' Thumbnail of the map 'undefined' Thumbnail of the map 'Dedication to Guiseppi' Thumbnail of the map 'Dedication to Wellsj'
Fluidity Monkey of Doom The Jumping Playground undefined Dedication to Guiseppi Dedication to Wellsj


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i finally found it lol. thanks nightmare great map


wow, you r good at making puzzles


Nice use of the backwards thwumps and wall-jumping.


...i din't know thumps did that...
very cool

very cool

that was very nice 5/5!

another hard map..

with a lot of cool elements, what with the backwards thwumps and the thwump-launchpad thing, which was really cool cause it launched him straight into the shaft. Nice job.