based god's awful hexagon tree

Thumbnail of the map 'based god's awful hexagon tree'

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Author APulse
Tags author:apulse playable unrated
Created 2013-04-10
Last Modified 2013-04-10
Map Data

Description this numacon is so frustrating since the tiles are so boring

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'underneath the plastic cherry blossom tree' Thumbnail of the map 'you are the one' Thumbnail of the map 'you are the hot buns' Thumbnail of the map 'it's a cave house' Thumbnail of the map 'based god's huge throbbing ere-' Thumbnail of the map 'based god's ungodly reason to shit on your tiles'
underneath the plastic cherry blossom tree you are the one you are the hot buns it's a cave house based god's huge throbbing ere- based god's ungodly reason to shit on your tiles


Pages: (0)

I was just told to make some small tilesets, which I did (you can see in the older pastes) and then told to make a slightly bigger one (this). I wasn't really told anything going in haha :D

Point #1:

semi-accepted. Creativity works best when forced to work within limits.

Point #2:

I was just saying to go along with the structure, not go against it. Like maybe replicate the style instead of covering it.

But whatever, just my opinion. map looks fine anyway ;)

part 2

I love how everyone is like rebelling against the tiles. Maybe if you cooperated with the structure the maps would work better ;)


I am with flag on this one. The point of this numacon is to go beyond your limits. If it wasn't a challenge it would be stupid. I think destiny purposely tried to make it a bit awkward, to make varied, hard results.
<Rose> Dude, it's impossible to make a good-looking map more than a couple ways with these tiles.
<Rose> All the maps for this numacon are going to look the same.

most complaintative community i have ever been a part of

want to burn it
Demo Data

its ok

i think its a fun challenge regardless

thank you for offering to help
destiny why would you do this, that thing is so ugly
this map rebels and looks stylish doing it though