
Thumbnail of the map 'Bolelli'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author DW40
Tags author:dw40 playable puzzle unrated
Created 2014-04-11
Last Modified 2014-04-11
Map Data

Description Overcome

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'overpracticing' Thumbnail of the map 'Wake me up' Thumbnail of the map 'Ready' Thumbnail of the map 'dispreferred indifferents' Thumbnail of the map 'Takimoto' Thumbnail of the map 'IL II IC II-I ID IO IIVI'
overpracticing Wake me up Ready dispreferred indifferents Takimoto IL II IC II-I ID IO IIVI


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Thanks for playing
but a demo all the same, nice one :)
Demo Data

Thanks dude

Yeah there is probably a better solution there but I overlooked that.
but this is a great map! Really really cool, I did have a problem with the trapdoor, as I was going the opposite direction the first through playthroughs and had to backtrack, might be a more elegant solution for that prevention. otherwise (y) (y) (y)