
Thumbnail of the map 'freebirds'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author cactae
Tags ancient author:cactae cactae-fofana collab featured rated
Created 2014-10-09
Last Modified 2014-10-09
by 14 people.
Map Data

Description featuring sekou-fofana []

This map was featured on 2015-06-29

Most people can make a decent map when having a good concept to base it on, and such maps deserve praise, even if the concept is not executed to perfection.

But it is a lot harder to make a map that seamlessly blends different concepts, styles and enemies into one entity that feels cohesive, plays well and looks amazing, but this map is certainly one of those select few. There's rockets, drones, thwumps – curves, slants, corners – one-ways, doors, bounce-blocks – really, the only common thread here is that every aspect of this map is brilliant.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Yamanashi Prefecture' Thumbnail of the map 'under the green moss by the pond'
Yamanashi Prefecture under the green moss by the pond


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Demo Data
map is still good, worth the feature

who hadn't figured that out, though
I am cactae

and brainbeam


I absolutely love this style.


Demo Data

This is awesome.

5avetured (I've always wanted to post that :D).

i called it

i would laugh if radium actually had two new accounts
oh, map was pretty sick too, and not in the coughing up organs sort of way

seneschal's comment

made me somehow sad

Great style. Faved


it's fun to guess
but really, who the fuck cares any more?


that first gauss is so well placed!
this is a dead website
Tis a shame I have no way of finding out.