
Thumbnail of the map 'Bows'

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Author PavlitoPL
Tags author:pavlitopl map-08 map-pavlito thwump unrated
Created 2016-04-06
Last Modified 2016-11-02
Rating 5 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description Level 08:

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Hidden' Thumbnail of the map 'It will be fine!' Thumbnail of the map 'Small town and laser drone' Thumbnail of the map '9 floors' Thumbnail of the map 'This is not a drill' Thumbnail of the map 'Converted map tutorial'
Hidden It will be fine! Small town and laser drone 9 floors This is not a drill Converted map tutorial


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v nice map except the upward facing thwump room (not needed anyway) and maybe you could've put blockgates on some thwumps after you pass them the first time around (backtracking is a bit dull here)

-they have like a max 5 maps per day rule on here, so different mappers can be noticed more easily. (unlike on n2 which is chaos and everything gets forgotten and the popular pages are not judged as well as they should be)