132-0 Nythendra

Thumbnail of the map '132-0 Nythendra'

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Author Meanapple
Tags author:meanapple boss episode minejumper unrated
Created 2016-10-02
Last Modified 2016-10-02
Rating 2 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description Inspired by this boss []
It is possible to not touch any opener, but there are places where it's supposed to be hard to avoid them. Tryhard at your own risk

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map '130-4 Discords again' Thumbnail of the map '131-0 I hate Flooguards' Thumbnail of the map '131-1 Dalaran' Thumbnail of the map '131-2 N is running at an abnormal speed' Thumbnail of the map '131-3 Disguise' Thumbnail of the map '131-4 Inner Flame'
130-4 Discords again 131-0 I hate Flooguards 131-1 Dalaran 131-2 N is running at an abnormal speed 131-3 Disguise 131-4 Inner Flame


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sorry for what?

oh shit

im sorry

it's alright

i got to the middle a few times and there's nothing really special there. dodging the mines + doors is pretty fun, but messy as heck. this demo shows one of my least favourite parts:
Demo Data


cant do O-- though


avoided all but 1 opener
Demo Data