Near meeting with thwump

Thumbnail of the map 'Near meeting with thwump'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author PavlitoGAMES
Tags author:pavlitogames pg11 short thwumps unrated
Created 2017-11-28
Last Modified 2018-07-13
Rating 4 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description Maps of the series are located under "PG(map-number)".

Type map: Short

Difficulty level: Medium

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Unusual localization of keys and doors' Thumbnail of the map 'Shuffle after smooth' Thumbnail of the map 'Three times' Thumbnail of the map 'Rooms separated by thin walls' Thumbnail of the map 'Work around the letters' Thumbnail of the map 'How to safely avoid destruction?'
Unusual localization of keys and doors Shuffle after smooth Three times Rooms separated by thin walls Work around the letters How to safely avoid destruction?


Pages: (0)


pretty boring map. I guess some might like hsing it
Demo Data