Laboratory Tested

Thumbnail of the map 'Laboratory Tested'

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Author UkaBOB
Tags author:ukabob bob2 hard spacesaredumb unrated
Created 2018-11-03
Last Modified 2018-11-04
Rating 4 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description On monkeys, of course.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Forgotten' Thumbnail of the map 'Rotting Boards' Thumbnail of the map 'Transformed' Thumbnail of the map 'Fighter Cockpit' Thumbnail of the map 'PostCard' Thumbnail of the map 'Bridges'
Forgotten Rotting Boards Transformed Fighter Cockpit PostCard Bridges


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How about if you just leave one tag and then edit the map to add new tags, does that work?


so that the tracking drones can move.


Thanks to BOB3 for the tileset.

Does anyone know

how to determine which tag becomes the level type?