0-1 underground

Thumbnail of the map '0-1 underground'

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Author DW40
Tags adventure author:dw40 image-map nreality unrated wander
Created 2019-05-06
Last Modified 2019-06-02
Rating 5 more votes required for a rating.
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Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'The Dumps' Thumbnail of the map 'VILE KNAVE' Thumbnail of the map 'Sunless' Thumbnail of the map 'this is a new map' Thumbnail of the map 'Cosmic Fragmentation' Thumbnail of the map 'thought i heard rain'
The Dumps VILE KNAVE Sunless this is a new map Cosmic Fragmentation thought i heard rain


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so stressful x_x

took me dozens of tries to survive the first descent. didn't make it through the one-ways here, not going to give it another go; interested to see how you handle unlocks. the aesthetics have been the highlight thus far. i feel like having this as a difficult nreality mod (and im sure you have more experience with these physics than i do) instead of a standalone game serves to make it feel more frustrating that it really should be.

i feel like i should make a personal note... i'm pretty bad at N, and i'm infinitely better at N than I am at any other platformer. so take anything i say about difficulty with a grain of salt.
I've made some little changes for now. After this map the ninja unlocks aerial influence so that should make movement less frustrating
and it makes jumps much harder than they should be.

The colour scheme of the tileset was confusing, and neither the gold or the mines were as visible as I'd like. Also, I didn't know the blue crystal was something I had to get, and it was confusing when I saw a pink crystal later on. Also, the mine on the 2 tile in the bottom right is rather easy to trip onto considering the tileset/gravity.

When I got used to it though, the one-way section was kinda enjoyable, and the falling mines were an interesting idea that provided a lot of tension.


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