Quantum Corridors 2

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Author mathy
Tags author:mathy confusing logic maze puzzle unrated
Created 2020-09-21
Last Modified 2020-09-21
Rating 5 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description It's been a long time since I've last submitted a map.

This is a sequel to Quantum Corridors and is a recreation of Jonathan Welton's 8x8 quantum maze, which is pretty much the largest I can fit into a map. Like before, walls collapse into existence depending on which way you go. The grid is initially empty but it becomes more and more maze-like the more you travel. If you make a wrong turn, the walls will eventually trap you. This is significantly harder than the original Quantum Corridors (which was a 5x5 quantum maze) and will require a lot of thought. There is only one solution, so good luck!

You can submit demos, but try to complete it without any spoilers.

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