Destination Israel: 2006

Thumbnail of the map 'Destination Israel: 2006'

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Author samuraichamploo
Tags action author:samuraichamploo playable rated
Created 2006-05-18
by 13 people.
Map Data

Description This is My fairwell map for about 6 weeks. Im leaving for Israel in 9 days on a Mission trip. for those of You who are TRUE christians, please Pray for Me because Im sure youve heard, Israel is a dangerous Place.

now about the Map, its inspired by Palemoon's Burst. But besides the vauge similarities in the tilesets, I dont think they are anything alike. This is my Favorite Action map Ive made. This is my Heart and Soul, My very best.

Dedicated to Palemoon, for making great maps, Mcp3000 for the same reason, Brttrx for being my only Newyorker friend. and Finally to VV33 for his inovative maps and inspiring me to thrive and make better maps.

God Bless,

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Statix' Thumbnail of the map 'Sun and moon' Thumbnail of the map 'Pink Flamingo-Large and incharge' Thumbnail of the map 'Mr. Jellyfish' Thumbnail of the map 'Redneck Christmas lights' Thumbnail of the map 'Dominos'
Statix Sun and moon Pink Flamingo-Large and incharge Mr. Jellyfish Redneck Christmas lights Dominos


Pages: (0)

actually, nevermore

If I may quote; "for those of You who are TRUE christians, please Pray for Me"

I dont mean to be rude - but there is a difference between luck and prayer; the latter being more powerful

Speed demo

Good luck in Israel, though I think you're being extremely exclusive and prejudiced when saying that only the true christians should wish you luck.
Demo Data

god bless

be careful over there.

awesome, pounding speed. great map.
4.5 + .5 for the snipe

great tileset. Cool gameplay. A very fun level.
The beginning and end sequence was a blast.
Have fun in Israel. Find what your looking for and Godspeed...


christians dont believe in luck - shame on you


ill give it 5/5 cos i ripped ur name on 'bullet for valentine', cos i wouldnt of done it if i knew u were a christian( me 2 - by the the way ), ill pray 4 u. Now ill go and actually play ur map

Pc man.

good luck, u in my prayers.
cya in 6weeks. stay cool.



Sniped the second my map was made.
I just entered it, and when i entered my map when it said "Click here to visit your map," it was 0.

I think thats a record.