Dedication Step 1

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Author oundj
Tags author:oundj dda unrated
Created 2006-05-24
Rating 4 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description Hey, all!
This is my first working DDA =P. I'm so proud of it lol. But, it is quite empty and I would like to add to it,so I'm making this the first step of "Dedication" as a thank you to my supporters and mapmakers that I really like.
My first dedication is to V-Lad. This is for you, V. He is a good mapmaker and has developed well as a noob, unlike me =D.
So, Step 1 goes out to V-Lad.
Cheers. If you want to have a dedication step, I suggest sucking up. Lol!! jks. Look for Step 2, dedicated to someone else.
Please rate, comment, and have fun!

Other maps by this author

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A level with a very creative name :P Stress Spiral alex357 NIRVANA Ascending The Space in Between


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dont waste ur...uh...typing... or, whatever. The guy's been banned since May 26. So, dont bother adding more comments. Besides this one...


dont waste ur...uh...typing... or, whatever. The guy's been banned since May 26. So, dont bother adding more comments. Besides this one...

i like it!!!

nice work



showed knowledge of trap door propultion


not enough enemies
TOO MANY LAUNCHPADS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
not enough close calls
not enough enemies



This is Work! wow, you mustn't move ur ninja and u will Win!!!
How did u calculate this?? Amazing!! Respect Oundj!
Demo Data


just realized i forgot to rate...


the good and the bad. The good, you didnt spam launch pads. However, there were somethings that weren't good. First of all, there were 0 close calls. Secondly, you relied to heavily on the launch pads. I know that you can use trapdoors because i watched the DDA, but why didnt you use more of them?
If you want to see good trap door propulsion, i recomend either magnotechnology or my map found here (sorry about the advertise)

nonethelesss, great for a first dda! just keep working and you will get great. 4/5