
Thumbnail of the map 'labyriNth'

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Author chuckmckiel
Tags author:chuckmckiel playable puzzle rated
Created 2006-06-24
by 7 people.
Map Data

Description I have reordered time, I have turned the world upside down, and I have done it all for you!

Other maps by this author

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Hacky Sack PMM boot caNp


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Here's a demo with the solution. There may be some faster solution that I'm missing, but this is the solution I intended, and I haven't found a better way yet.

I learned about teleporters from this tutorial:
Thanks to LittleViking001!

It takes some practice to get them just right, but it's not too hard after you figure a few things out. I think the most important thing is finding ways to reduce the risk of player error -- you have to try to make N hit each one straight on so that he doesn't die, so you have to try to put walls and barriers around the teleporters as much as possible to help guide him in.

This map took me about two days to build, with a third day for fine tuning. I originally wanted to add a lot more to the map to make it look fuller and more interesting in every room, but there ended up being so many teleportation paths through the whole map that I couldn't add much more without breaking things.

I hope you enjoy the puzzle, and I love reading any feedback, so if you play this map, please add a comment to tell me what you think. (And of course a good rating is always nice, too.)

Demo Data


nice, can't figure it out. how did you make the springs into teleporters?

A Note...

I worked really hard on this map, and at this point, I'm not sure I'll ever make another map this good again. It's packed with teleporters, it's pretty well play-tested (though it's tough to make every teleporter perfect), and the solution is elaborate and long. There are many paths to choose from, but only few will lead all the way to the finish. I wanted to make a puzzle challenge complicated enough that some people may need to use a pen and paper to work out the solution. I'm not saying this map is necessarily THAT complicated, but I think I accomplished what I was going for.

I hope you enjoy this puzzle map, and I really look forward to all your feedback.

p.s.-- I'll add a demo with the solution after others have had a chance to play with this for a while.

oh yea

no demo cos i cant do it and faved!

i dont like it,

now my brane hurts lol. 5/5 cos... well its... dunno. How long did it take you to make??? also its ace!