
Thumbnail of the map 'ToTheTop'

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Author mjume
Tags author:mjume dda unrated
Created 2006-07-02
Rating 3 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description Meh...

tell me what you like and what you think is wrong, cause there's definitely both in this map...


press 1 b4...

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'totem pole dda' Thumbnail of the map 'circle of trials' Thumbnail of the map 'Lined Up' Thumbnail of the map 'Redone' Thumbnail of the map 'Digital Speed Demon' Thumbnail of the map 'Trench Sneak'
totem pole dda circle of trials Lined Up Redone Digital Speed Demon Trench Sneak


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not too bad

i liked the thwump propulsion part of it... very nice... do the normal doors do anything? if not then u should take them out... but anyways not bad 4/5


The movement methods are nice and interesting...
But the threats are lame.
Ditch the gausses and the useless door which block them... and that rocket doesn't do much either.