Worm Colony

Thumbnail of the map 'Worm Colony'

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Author invader
Tags action author:invader playable rated
Created 2006-08-19
by 7 people.
Map Data

Description This is my first action map, I'm working on improving my playable maps. Rating, commenting, feedback, and tips on object placement would be much appreciated.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Blam!' Thumbnail of the map 'An Architects Kaleidoscope' Thumbnail of the map 'Nemesis Castle' Thumbnail of the map 'Wibble-wobble wibble-wobble jelly on a plate' Thumbnail of the map 'Whatever happened to physics?' Thumbnail of the map 'Passage ways'
Blam! An Architects Kaleidoscope Nemesis Castle Wibble-wobble wibble-wobble jelly on a plate Whatever happened to physics? Passage ways


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That was very helpful, thank you. I'm going to make another action at some point...

I say one thing.

Playtest. It's easy to playtest maps in Ned. Then you'll see what the problem is. For example, you can't jump straight up to the bounceblock at the right. It is possible to make that rocket pass you if you make a wall jump at the block, but it's very hard, and such things in the beginning of maps arent apprciated. Also It's very easy to get stuck at the right off the exit. I'd suggest moving the exit pillar some two tiles to the left so the you really can use the bottom floor if you've got problem shaking of those rockets. Also you didn't really think out a plan as to how to get up if you reach the bottom. And since both of the keys are over the ground with no b-blocks underneath them that can get very frustrating. I'd suggest that you think of a route in your head that you want people to take, and then playtest that route to make sure it works. After that you may add additional blocks to give the player options.
But I'd say start on a new level. This one's kinda dead IMO.

I know, but it is my first, can you tell me how to improve instead of just saying it's rubbish? I want to be able to make decent maps!
placements seemed off and its kind of an overused style.


It's so...bleh. There isn't much to like. The bland, stale gameplay, horrible gold placement and overall unoriginal-ness. I don't like it.


I meant rating....
not voting....

You wouldnt know

unless you acually played the level, so your voting a map on the way it looks.
Dont do that.

This is good.

I really like the tileset, but what are the stray tiles for? 4.5