Comments on "Firecracker"

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Once again,

You what I gave it.
Have you thought about the doppelganger contest?


is a dedication.
0.001/0.001aved = 5/5aved

As Blizzy said..

..damn good DDA.
Long, nice looking and it's just awesome.
5.0 ^_^

Oh! My! God!

This level's an example for a "perfect DDA"! 5/5, and faved. Clifty, unless you didn't know... You are, besides Lord_day and AMomentLikeThis, my favourite map maker. And my #1 favourite DDA maker. This is one of the best of your maps, so needless to say, it's INCREDIBLE. Keep it up! The only bad thing in this map is that it ruins my (already minimal) chances of winning the contest. :A You are simply amazing!



What is a ded

please tell me




Shockingly perfect.


I got Pembie beat: 2/2.

13 lasers?

Man, that was good. I just loved the smoothness of the map...just so perfect.

I guess that was a good suggestion by me :)

5aved and Bitesized.

Another great masterpiece by the master.
