A Tail of Two Cities

Thumbnail of the map 'A Tail of Two Cities'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author AsTimeFliesBy
Tags author:astimefliesby rated tileset
Created 2007-01-02
by 11 people.
Map Data

Description That's right. A /Tail/ of Two Cities.
Happy New Year guys!
Here's a submission to my own comp:
Rate, comment, enjoy.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Shades of Shadows' Thumbnail of the map 'The Outer Shell' Thumbnail of the map 'Open Your Eyes & Smell the World, Baby!' Thumbnail of the map 'Coral' Thumbnail of the map 'AsTimeFliesBy' Thumbnail of the map 'Thwump Tease'
Shades of Shadows The Outer Shell Open Your Eyes & Smell the World, Baby! Coral AsTimeFliesBy Thwump Tease


Pages: (0)

i like it.



Doesn't this make /anyone/ crack a laugh? Haha, haha... haaa.
Thanks xdude.

Left exit.

You got me by one frame. Nice tiles.
Demo Data

And the win.

(right exit)
Demo Data


Right exit. Tie.
Demo Data

Left exit demo

Demo Data

Right exit demo

Demo Data