
Thumbnail of the map 'Fusion'

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Author AsTimeFliesBy
Tags action author:astimefliesby featured playable rated
Created 2007-01-08
by 40 people.
Map Data

Description For Cooby:
A fusion of Sendy's exits and lord_day's one-ways, as I promised.
I think I was able to keep the originallity.

This map was featured on 2008-10-12

This map is brilliant. Made by one of the greats of old, this shows exactly what the golden age of Metanet left for us to enjoy. I love how this map is perfect for speedrunning AND highscoring at the same time. That is why I write reviews for this community, to preserve maps that are great for highscoring. ATFB has created a masterpiece here, and it shouldn't be forgotten, and that is why this map deserves this feature.

Between the beautiful and flowy gameplay, and the brilliant tileset, this map gets two thumbs up in my book! — cucumber_boy

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'The Outer Shell' Thumbnail of the map 'Open Your Eyes & Smell the World, Baby!' Thumbnail of the map 'Coral' Thumbnail of the map 'AsTimeFliesBy' Thumbnail of the map 'Thwump Tease' Thumbnail of the map 'A Tail of Two Cities'
The Outer Shell Open Your Eyes & Smell the World, Baby! Coral AsTimeFliesBy Thwump Tease A Tail of Two Cities



i'm no great of old.
and thank you for your sarcasm yahoozy. here's a dose of my sarcasm.

too easy

way too easy
i agree with the reviewer.


I love cheating your oneways. Here's my AGD. It is hard to believe that i went through the oneways the right way when only necessary (the beginning and end ones). 5aved
Demo Data

very nice

i love the flow


This map is freaking tasty. Rockets would at some zest in areas. Also beautiful women.
Demo Data

Awesome map.

Love the flowy gameplay.
Demo Data


this is very similar to the last ATFB map that was featured.

There's no point

moaning about it here.

Email Arachnid directly (address it to him specifically) at: He controls the backend.

Currently the next map is set to feature on the 16th.

Triple feature


That really, really needs to be fixed.

Steady and slow AGD

almost hit the exit one time.
Demo Data




Easy, but fun.
Demo Data


Oh lawd, I didn't realise ATFB was asian gangsta.
that the majority of atfb maps were good back then?

Not so speedy agd

It felt really cracked. Great map.
Demo Data

We definately

need some kind of diagram or explanation on the front page explaining the difference between Metanet and NUMA.
:P :P :P


A double feature.

Oh you're right.

I forgot.
asian_gangsta was the greatest thing that ever happened to Metanet.


finally beat Izzy :P
Demo Data


nice lev

A great of old?

I think you are mistaken.


I loved it.

Faster AGD, it's on Nreality too.
Demo Data

A bit too easy,

so I'll give you a 3/5.


If derivative in name and product is great, then I'll fully agree.
Ahaha. AsTimeFliesBy was never a great of old.


its to easy!

No fbf

I play userlevels on ver 5b. I rather save my replay w/o having to look up the map #.

Great Map

Fun, flexible design, solid enemy placement wrapped up in a great tileset.


Faster. =D
Demo Data


On NReality. =)
Demo Data

Pretty easy

but very fun 4

nice demo

It sorta feels FBF'd


laser should've been a chaingun. 4.
Demo Data