Flint & Tinder

Thumbnail of the map 'Flint & Tinder'

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Author SnailsRule
Tags author:snailsrule bitesized dda rated
Created 2007-03-25
Last Modified 2007-03-25
by 59 people.
Map Data

Description KRADDA powered almost completely by thwumps. The rocket goes through the wall many, many times. Watch some of the close calls in FBF for fun. 1692 frames (about that much). RCE, suggestions appreciated.

Before rating poorly, note that thwump propulsion is easily one of the hardest types of propulsion to use, especially in cramped up areas, and without launchpads or gold delay.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'The Central Processing Unit's Nightmare' Thumbnail of the map 'Rocket Tag' Thumbnail of the map 'Zap Drone Caging' Thumbnail of the map 'Disruptive' Thumbnail of the map 'Ambigram Ambigram' Thumbnail of the map 'N Hunting Season'
The Central Processing Unit's Nightmare Rocket Tag Zap Drone Caging Disruptive Ambigram Ambigram N Hunting Season


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Good times on top rated...
Mr. Sniper was feeling generous today, I guess.
its off the first 3 toprated pages now.. :-(


I should stop spamming my own map now...


Oh noes!


i think its already overdone then
however, this one diverts from today's conventional dda's. the NO LAUNCHPADS EVER thing is just a phase and it will start to be acceptable to use them in moderation. of course, then people will start to overdo it again and then the cycle begins again. just the way life works. just a frequency of causes and effects. wow, philosophical....... i rated this previously and i forget what i rated, but it was probably a 5 or a 4.5. great dda.

i dunno

where were the days when launchpads were used...i mean theres just no substance in these new kraddas coming out nowadays. I guess im the only one here who feels these ddas are way too overated. Tattletale, rocket-ed and rocket rage should be in the top ten seeing as they started the trend. i feel all these new kraddas are kinda getting old and kind of jump-on-the bandwagon type. sry but 3/5


if you click outside the box, but plenty of ppl cant be bothered to do that.

@jerry_smart: Place a left or up thwump halfway into an 'E' tile and it should work. For down and right thwumps, place a thwump one pixel to the left (or up) of halfway. It can also be done with any tile, but the thwump stays in the same place each time.

@Bunniesandsheep: It should work even without the ! mark.

what the heck

how did you make the thwumps like an elevator and go through walls. unbeleivabale. 4.5

what the heck

how did you make the thwumps like an elevator and go through walls. unbeleivabale. 4.5

what the heck

how did you make the thwumps like an elevator and go through walls. unbeleivabale. 4.5

Very nice.


and @ dilbertguy

if you put a ! after the text when you insert it before loading it it would work


i couldnt make a kradda if i tried....sniffle.....5......sniffle....I need help on how not to make a noob map...i made one reasnoble dda but it stuffed up after i forgot to reset it........waaaaahhhh!!!! :(


This was amazing. The only problem that occured for me is that the end switch appeared at the top of the level. Actually, it was above the level, so I died at the end. Still very well done, and must have taken hours to do. 5/5

Very impressive

I liked how your main source of propulsion was thwumps. The close calls were of high quality. 4.5/5


Gold delay interfered with the DDA, since when you collect it, the weird flying gold effect plays. Trapdoors have literally no animation, so they worked best.

Lot more '4' tiles

than Clifty's map, but I still say this rivals it based on propulsion.

You used trap door delay. Rawr. xD 5/5





Actually only about 3 weeks.

@usaswim: I agree. The tileset is horrible, but it's either a horrible tileset or a horrible KRADDA. =P


how long did this take you???? =O


That was too amazing. I just wish somebody could make a KRADDA with a better looking tileset because, unfortunately, this is the ugliest tileset I believe I've ever seen. lol. 5/5 for the amazing propulsion.
amazing how you get it to go through so many tiles. 5.


by me!




tons and tons of close calls but very slow paced still 5aved

you got some

really good stuff here. It is almost like, "The right angle" but with alot more gap-sniping and using thwumps instead.


OMG, Probably the best DDA i ever seen, 5/5