Random Deaths

Thumbnail of the map 'Random Deaths'

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Author gamemaster409
Tags author:gamemaster409 chainguns dda death playable random unrated
Created 2007-08-09
Rating 3 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description a map i made cause i was bored. not the best but sometimes you make it through, fly through walls, die, or fly throughs walls and die.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Moving' Thumbnail of the map 'Speed of Light' Thumbnail of the map 'INSANE M1' Thumbnail of the map 'SB1' Thumbnail of the map 'INSANE M5' Thumbnail of the map 'Speed of Dark 1'
Moving Speed of Light INSANE M1 SB1 INSANE M5 Speed of Dark 1


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I like all the enemies